Your account manager accompanies you throughout your journey with Roundtrip: he/she helps you get acquainted with the product, facilitates group bookings, provides solutions for non-standard requests, and resolves financial issues and any other concerns.
Your manager is a friend whom you can always reach out to for assistance in any convenient way: by phone, e-mail, or through an online request in your “Personal Account”. To find your account manager’s contact information, click on the “Support” button in the upper right corner of the screen.
Examples of inquiries you can make to your account manager:
questions about the website’s functionality
pricing inquiries
contract-related or other legal questions
questions related to the work of other departments: legal, operational, accounting, or the car rentals department
doubts about the authenticity of room photos (or other questions about photos)
additional consultation on hotel selection
the need for more flexible payment terms
the need for additional development on our platform.