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Frequently Asked Questions
Updated over a year ago

When will the money for a canceled order be refunded?

Within five minutes after the airline confirms it.

How to book a group flight?

You can book a flight for a group of up to 9 passengers in a single order. If you need to book tickets for more people, you can create multiple orders.

Important: Infants (0-2 years) and children (2-11 years) are counted as separate passengers in the booking.

Can I book a flight for a child without an adult?

Unfortunately, we cannot book a flight for a child aged 2 to 11 without an accompanying adult. There must be at least one adult per child.

If you need to add a child's ticket to an existing booking, please send a request to customer support.

What are the flight rules for infants and children?

Unfortunately, you cannot book a flight for an infant (0-2 years) or a child (2-11 years) without an accompanying adult. A booking must include at least one adult.

The number of infants in the booking cannot exceed the number of accompanying adult passengers. In other words, if there are two adults in the booking, there can be no more than two infants.

What are the rules for filling out the passenger information?

All passenger information in the booking must match the information in the document the passenger will use for a flight.

Important: Passport series and number should be entered without spaces or other characters.

What do booking statuses mean?

  • "Reserved" appears after creating a booking and is displayed in the "Personal Account."

  • "Issued" status is assigned to a ticket that has been issued and paid for. If the booking has a status of "Issued," you can download the itinerary receipt and invoice or request a refund.

  • "Payment" appears after clicking the "Issue" button.

  • "Waiting for issuance" appears after clicking the "Issue" button.

  • "Issuance error" appears if there was an error during the ticket issuance. In this case, please contact customer support.

  • "Payment error" appears if there was an error during payment. Please try to make the payment again or contact your manager. The most common reason for this error is insufficient credit limit.

  • "Refund requested" appears after clicking the "Refund ticket" button. A refund is processed only after confirming its conditions with customer support.

  • "Refund processed" appears after confirming the conditions and completing the refund.

  • "Canceled" appears after canceling a booking for which tickets have not been issued.

Can I add a loyalty card to the booking?

Yes, during the booking process, you can add the data of the airline's loyalty program card.

Important: You must enter the loyalty card data for the passenger for whom the flight is being booked. If there are multiple passengers, you can enter the loyalty card data for each of them. If you forgot to add a loyalty card during the booking, please contact customer support, and we will add it to the booking.

What service classes are available?

There are three service classes: economy, business, and first class. The services provided for the selected service class depend on the chosen airline.

Information on the service class is available:

  • during the booking process;

  • on the itinerary receipt after creating a booking or after ticket issuance.

What is a time limit?

A time limit is the time set by the airline for ticket issuance, which can range from 15 minutes to several months. If you need to book a flight for visa application, you can filter options by time limit in the search results and select the desired fare.

The airline has the right to cancel a booking before the time limit expires. You can check whether the airline has made changes to the time limit through our customer support.

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