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How to Cancel a Hotel Booking?
Updated over a year ago

Before canceling your order, please review the cancellation terms. If the booking is non-refundable or subject to a partial penalty, you still need to cancel it for the order to be accurately reflected in the "Reports" section.

  1. Click on the "Orders" tab.

  2. Select the relevant order.

  3. Click "Cancel with full refund" and confirm the cancellation.

If the order was paid by wire transfer and you cancel it without a penalty or with a partial penalty, the refund amount will be credited to the "Overpayments" balance. You can use this money to pay for other orders or request a refund to your bank account. For the latter option (refund to the bank account), please send a request for a refund to your account manager.

If the order was paid with a credit/debit card and you cancel it without a penalty or with a partial penalty, the money will be automatically refunded to the card used for payment. This typically occurs within seven banking days.

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